
(paris) cyan cian is a New Orleans Black girl playing and composing with devotion and impermanence. As a movement architect, scholar, and curator working with and through various interdisciplinary forms of performance art, cyan’s creative work mobilizes embodied memory and ecological play into a worldmaking practice. Concerned with notions of Black girlhood, spatiality, ecology, and duration, paris is the founder and director of theShoreCollective, a community of artists playing with performance architecture, sonic poetics, and ecology as choreography. Her community engagement and practice expands in the curation of #MYBODYPOETRYIS, a wellness playground for healing, movement, and celebration birthed from her practice, BODYPOETRY.


I am recalling distant wandering memories, conjuring movements, shapes, sounds, pathways, spaces for them to live (again). Through a practice of play, a multitude of words, questions, maps, and drawings, I am generating worlds through a study of African and indigenous cosmologies. I am composing with the curve, the spiral, repeating, praying (ritual in process); a veneration to lands, shorelines, seabodies designing a carto-choreographic practice as Black eco/architectural performance. I am homemaking to understand the past, present, and future. This is communion as spatial practice; this is a possibility to cultivate again, and again, and again; to move; to remember.